Christos Volikakis: Positive for banned substance at the 2016 Rio Olympics – The reaction of the Greek cyclist

The Greek world champion of cycling, was found positive in—according to the International Cycling Association (UCI)—in a sample he had given during the Rio Olympics, in 2016. The World Cycling Federation announced on Friday (15.06.2024) that in a sample re-check given by Christos Volikakis at the 2016 Olympic Games – and more specifically on 16 August – a Greek athlete was found positive in a banned substance. The Federation announcement states: “Re-analysis of samples collected during the 2016 Rio Olympics: UCI statement on Christos Volikakis Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) informs that Greek rider Christos Volikakis has been notified of an adverse analytical finding (AAF) for Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) of the metabolite LGD-4033 (1) by the International Test Organisation (ITA) on behalf of the International Olympic Committee (IDO). This AAF results from the re-analysis of a sample collected on 16 August 2016 during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics. This re-analysis took place as part of the ITA re-establishment program on behalf of the IOC, focusing on samples collected during the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics. These re-analysis is an integral part of the comprehensive anti-doping programme conducted independently of ITA on behalf of the IOC since 2018. They strengthen efforts against doping by using as an additional deterrent against doping and by broadening the range of possible violations of rules found beyond the initial analysis of the sample. The re-analysis programme allows further tests to be carried out on the basis of updated information, in particular through surveys or when detection methods develop as a result of the progress of scientific technology. According to the World Anti-Doping Code, samples can be stored for 10 years after their collection (extended from eight to 10 years after the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics), maintaining the same legal consequence in the case of re-use. The rider has the right to require the analysis of his B sample. In accordance with the applicable rules (IOC-ADR anti-doping rules – and anti-doping Regulations UCI – ADR), as soon as the ITA determines the consequences of AAF under the IOC ADR, the issue will be referred to UCI to determine what possible sanctions could be imposed during and after the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics under the UCI ADR. Pending the outcome of the ITA procedure and according to the UCI ADR, the rider has been temporarily suspended. UCI will not comment on this case as long as the proceedings are ongoing. (1) LGD-4033 and its metabolites are Forbidden Substances listed in category S1.2 (Other Anabolic Factors) of the Forbidden List maintained by the World Anti-Doping Organisation (WADA) and approved by UCI.” Christos Volikakis, who had recently participated in reality Survivor has the right to request the analysis of his second sample. In fact, with his posting on his Instagram account, he said: “My grandfather said: When they see they can’t reach you, let alone overcome you, they’ll try to reduce you. This is called envy.”