Christos Volikakis: “I am clean and I have nothing to prove to anyone”

He responded to the federation’s accusations saying he was found positive at the 2016 Olympics in Rio. The Greek cyclist, Christos Volikakis, was invited on Tuesday morning to the show “Morning Sou” and was reassigned to what they charge him, stressing that he has nothing to prove to anyone. “I know what I have done, I know who I am. I dare to know if other athletes in the world have passed the checks I’ve been through and the sudden checks and that all these years I’ve been on a biological passport… I haven’t been out of the lists in any year, I’ve been since I started cycling constantly every year,” Christos Volikakis originally said. “At first when I received this email, I said: eight years back now to deal with? Laugh? What should I do? I know what I’m on, if I’m on and what I’m not on. I’m always clean and I have nothing to prove to anyone. I was expecting a call from some specific people who said he was with me,” added the Greek cyclist. The Greek world champion of cycling, Christos Volikakis, was found positive in a banned substance – according to the International Cycling Association (UCI) – in a sample he had given during the Rio Olympics in 2016. The World Cycling Federation announced on Friday (15.06.2024) that in a sample re-check given by Christos Volikakis at the 2016 Olympic games in Rio – and more specifically on 16 August – the Greek athlete found himself positive for a banned substance, which caused his strong reaction.

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