Cheated wife made a “robe” Woman photographer on facebook

“The lady is from Patras, loves much, and he specializes in married men”…
“If you hit the landline and nobody is talking to you and listen to βογγιτά and foodie woodie is that the “finds” and wants to hear”.
It is only two of the many post you made some time ago the wife of a man who realized he has an affair with a known Woman photographer.
The comments were accompanied with photos and the name of the photographer/lover while she did not hide from the facebook friends that ate horn and “glazed”.
The wind and cold, the photographer who suddenly received inbox from friends and acquaintances, who reported that a lady did a “robe” on the internet.
The same he never responded to any comment (at least publicly) but the word is spreading in a jiffy.
The mistress who lives in Patras, greece, is married and it is unknown if he knew about the double life of her partner.
The only sure thing is that the name of the “bone of contention” didn’t this come out if it and we are almost sure that the cheated wife will not let him so after he did not hesitate to blow the whistle on his affair on facebook with all the spicy details.

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