Change time 2024: 7 + 1 tips to manage the effects on your body

Tomorrow, last Sunday of March (March 31, 2024), will enter into force, so we will pass from winter to summer. Therefore, clock indicators should be moved one hour ahead. Specifically, at 3:00 in the morning the clocks should go one hour ahead and show 4:00, resulting in a loss of an hour of sleep. Subsequently, on the last Sunday of October (October 27, 2024), the reverse applies, since we pass from summer time to winter. So when the clocks show 04:00 in the morning, then we’ll turn the indicators one hour back in order to show 03:00. When clocks move an hour back or forward, most people face certain difficulties and changes in their psychology, since their organism has difficulty adjusting to new data. It is not a few studies that have shown that the change of time is related to a series of effects on our health, such as: heart attack, stroke, car accident or even mental mood problems. These problems are attributed mainly to the loss of an hour of sleep, since it can affect our brain and not have a clear mind, to being unable to make decisions, while the fact of reduced productivity is lacking. However, the American Sleep Foundation provides some practical advice so that you can manage time change more easily. Go to bed earlier Knowing that you are going to miss an hour of sleep, a smart solution is to go to bed a few minutes before the usual time. Something similar can happen with the hours of your other activities, such as meals and exercise. This move is useful to put into effect at least the last week before the transition, although in order to adapt your organization, you need to start earlier. Get some more sleep. It would also be useful to increase, as long as possible, the duration of your sleep, so that you have a “stock” that will help you to better withstand change. Studies have shown that when we have spent longer sleep for short periods, then, we have more mental clarity, where we lose certain hours of sleep for some reason, while sleepiness decreases the next day after the change of time. Follow relaxation techniques by breathing Through relaxing methods such as breathing exercises as meditation, mind and body will be more relaxed and calm, and your sleep will be facilitated. They will also help you sleep more easily if you wake up during the night. Turn the clock markers to the new time before going to bed In this way, you will avoid any unexpected situations the next day. If you do not use your mobile phone for an alarm, make sure the automatic time change is activated. Go for a walk in the sun after the change of time In the period after the change of time, make sure to go for a walk so that you can be exposed daily for a while in the sun. Sunlight will help your biological clock, i.e. circadian rhythms, to better adapt to the new time. Don’t overload your schedule both Sunday and Monday when you go to the new time, it would be good not to schedule important appointments or events. You should also avoid road trips, as you may become drowsy. Change your eating habits In addition, it would be useful to change your eating habits by consuming more fruits and vegetables that favor sleep. In order to avoid heavy fighting, avoid excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol, as well as fatty-rich foods, or spices, hours before bedtime. An important factor is also the fact that you eat your last meal at least two hours before going to bed. Sleep at noon Lunch sleep, even for 30 minutes, will greatly help you to regain your alertness if you feel drowsy the day after the change of time. It is therefore preferable to sleep a few minutes early in the afternoon when sleepiness begins to manifest. If you sleep in the afternoon, then you may have problems sleeping at night.