CERTIFICATION: New meeting of the Health Bodies with the President of the CERTIFICATION for contracts with EOPYY

A meeting of health stakeholders was held on Tuesday afternoon, July 12, at the offices of the Panhellenic Medical Association, with the participation of …
President of the AMA, mr Michael Βλασταράκου. In the meeting, during which it discussed the issue of contracts of providers of health and EOPYY, participated on behalf of the ΠΟΣΚΕ mr Fotis Πατσουράκος, ΠΟΣΙΠΥ mr. Theodore Chatzipanagiotou, TEC mr Claus Μπαρδής, ΠΕΙΦ mr. Anastasios Few and of ENI-EOPYY mrs. Anna Μαστοράκου.
The focus of the discussion was the new draft of the contract sent in the CERTIFICATE of EOPYY.
The representatives of Health Institutions have reached to the points which need to be corrected or deleted in order for the contract to be signed between EOPYY and providers to determine the context of supply health services, which will meet the needs of the citizens and will respect the function of professionals.
These views were transferred yesterday, Wednesday, to the VILLAGE. It is expected to be sent to the PIS and their Health Providers from the PUBLIC to the new design with comments and corrections that have been made in order to sign the new contracts.
Common understanding of the Health authorities is that this debate should lead to satisfactory agreements between the health service providers and of CERTIFICATION.