Cancer of the mouth: What is the silent symptoms

Oral cancer appears as a…
a sore in the mouth that spreads to the lips, tongue , cheeks, sinuses and pharynx (throat).
If not diagnosed and not treated early, oral cancer can prove fatal.
What are the symptoms of cancer of the mouth?
The most common symptoms of oral cancer include:
-Bumps on the lips, gums, or other areas inside the mouth
-Unexplained bleeding in the mouth and numbness,
severe pain in any point of the face, mouth, or throat
-Persistent sores on the face, neck, or mouth that bleed and do not heal within two weeks
-Difficulty in chewing or swallowing or speech
-Hoarseness, pain in the neck , or any change in voice
-Pain in the ear
-Dramatic weight loss
If you notice any of these changes, contact your dentist immediately.
According to the American Cancer society, men face twice the risk of developing oral cancer.
The risk factors are:
-The smoking. Smokers are six times more likely than non-smokers to develop some form of cancer of the mouth.
-The excessive consumption of alcohol. The oral cancers are about six times more common in drinkers.
-Family history of cancer.
-Excessive exposure to the sun, especially at a young age.
-The human papilloma virus (HPV). Some strains of HPV cause cancer of the mouth.