Can a visit for a manicure or cleaning to show health problems?

When you go for a facial
“A beauty routine with cleansing, exfoliation and hydration helps in good blood circulation, oxygenate the…
tissues, improves the immune system and removes toxins,” says the beautician Mary Φιλιππαίου. Twice a month do a lymphatic facial treatment with intradermal massage. This process channels the fat away from the face and strengthens the skin’s defense against infections, and increases the production of collagen and erasing wrinkles.
When you go for a mani-pedi
“The nails that change shape, texture and natural tone suggests that there’s something wrong with the body,” explains the colourist Helen Λιβέρη. Many transversal lines on the surface of the nail indicate bacterial infection (streptococcus, staphylococcus) or eczema. Υποψιάσου psoriasis or digestive problems, if you see small white or yellow stains on the nails. Also, check for an underactive thyroid or iron deficiency, if you break easily, even for diabetes, if the tone is too yellow.
When you go for whitening
The expert likely to be considered necessary a periodontal examination. “A large percentage of overall health is the care of the teeth and gums,” says the periodontist Mariana Λουκιδέλη. “A chronic inflammation, such as periodontal disease, can adversely affect all the organs and tissues and results with a risk factor for diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and premature birth of children”.
When you go for botox
The next time you visit your dermatologist for a hyaluronic, botox, or acne treatment, ask him to check and moles that you think are suspicious. “Melanoma is cured 100% if diagnosed in the beginning,” says dermatologist Howard Murad. A simple examination may uncover endocrine problems, diseases in the kidneys or the liver.