Call αλληλυγγύης to the διαννοούμενους by the minister of Culture

Open letter to the artists and intellectuals of the world address…
the minister of Culture, Aristides Baltas, for solidarity to refugees, and participation in the awareness campaign for the refugee issue, “Welcome”.
In his letter, mr. Cleaver states that “the caging of refugees and immigrants here, obliges Greece to lift this time, the weight of the world” and urges the artists and intellectuals should not stand idly by and help, as well, as he states, “Greece is a country small. And this weight has been very hard materials contextual. Which the same -people and state – he can’t lift it alone. I am addressing you, the artists and intellectuals of the world, where you can stream everywhere this knowledge. To συνεγείρετε everywhere the consciousness. With the myriad of ways that your creative power will be invented. Thus showing that the weight of the world belongs to all over the world. As well as its price,” concludes the minister of Culture.

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