Built a fence with… aquarium! [photos]

Mehmet Ali GökçeoÄŸlu, a successful businessman and surveyor engineer from Turkey, has created the most amazing fence in the world in the luxury villa in Cesme, Izmir…
Eight years ago, he replaced the metal fence at the front of the residence with a large aquarium with a length of 50 meters, filled with hundreds of fish and other marine species. The home of the eccentric Turkish is now one of the most popular tourist attractions in Çeşme, attracting thousands of visitors every day who come to marvel at the strange creation.
The transparent structure that surrounds the house cost over $ 21,000, while the strange thing is that Mehmet Ali Gökçeoğlu preferred to put the aquarium sea bream, sea bass, mullet, eels and octopuses and not merely decorative or colorful fish are usually placed in aquariums. About 1,000, and most fish swim in the water, while to be sure the owner that no one would ever think to steal some of it, mounted an advanced monitoring system with 17 cameras, preventing would-be thieves from doing wicked thoughts.


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