Booked voice: What should you do?

A cold, a sleepless night, the air conditioner or the thyroid? Some of the most common causes that cause changes in the voice, even “close” as we are used to…
later, with the result that we can talk or at least don’t get a say.
In the treatment of the restricted voice, plays a main role to identify the cause that caused it.
Possible causes
-If you shout, or talk much, is likely to βραχνιάζετε easily. In order not to tire the strings, you will need to do it often pauses in speech and to breathe properly when you’re talking about. Poor use of voice contributes to the creation of nodules, i.e. callus on the strings, which often need surgery to be removed.
-The air pollution or the dust attached to the vocal cords they create contribute to the alteration of the voice. Other factors include excessive dryness in the atmosphere from air conditioners.
-If you wake up with a hoarse voice, maybe it’s the excessive smoking the night before, sleep with an open mouth caused by dryness in the throat, or a cold, because of which they have accumulated secretions in the throat which must be removed with a cough.
What you need to do
-Try not to breathe from the mouth, because it caused dryness in the larynx and the vocal chords.
-Suck on candies that cause secretion of saliva.
-Avoid the voices.
-Avoid smoking if you are smokers.
-Drink plenty of fluids (8-10 glasses) and gargle with chamomile tea, in case you have a sore throat.
-Make inhalations with steam of eucalyptus or chamomile, in the form of water vapor reaching to more easily on the strings.
-Do not talk in a whisper because straining more your vocal chords.
If the alteration of your voice persists for more than two weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as cough, sore throat or fever, you should consult your doctor, who will determine the appropriate tests where is the problem.

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