BOMB: a Mutiny in SYRIZA’s…?

The Institute of Stratfor, with an extensive analysis of it, shows all open economic and political fronts…
we have to deal with the government of SYRIZA during the process of negotiation. In the report it is highlighted that the May will be a month of key to the expulsion of Greece from the Schengen Treaty.
“If the government of SYRIZA, proposes to increase the contributions of workers and enterprises, by means of parallel cuts into a number of supplementary pensions, the lenders ask for a general cut in the pensions’ report on the report.
So, convert once again our country to the black sheep, and has so many problems to settle. Indeed, on 12 February, the.E. he gave an ultimatum of three months in Greece, in order to present and implement all the plans concerning the response to the crisis of migration flows.
Although Greece has shown good will and it wishes to cooperate in the framework of community law, many european countries maintain a tough stance against our country, while at the same time exert a lot of pressure.
The country’s prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, is trying every way to improve the image of Greece, but finds obstacles. Apart from the attitude of the Europeans and of the lenders, many are those who are afraid of a possible mutiny by members of the government, which can directly cause the fall of the government.
The fears are manifested through the approaches that make the Alexis Tsipras with smaller parties. Wishes to “τρίξει” the teeth of the members, stressing the implication that in the event of a mutiny, I am not irreplaceable, while at the same time like this wants to ensure his stay in power, if you give up some of their members.
The dozens of domestic problems have caused a wave of reactions across the country, after they have risen, almost all the professional sectors, while the country needs to address the absolutely crucial issue of immigration. After intense threats for expulsion from the Schengen area in May, the scenarios concerning the rebellion of government officials flare up more than ever.

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