Bells with a reduction of subsidies to those who use illegal pesticides

Reductions in the range of 20% to the amounts of agricultural subsidies provides for a regulation of the European Council (no. 73/2009)…
it is also implemented in our country. The issue is back on the publicity after the answer of the Deputy Minister of Rural Development, Markos Bolaris, on the illegal trafficking of pesticides.
According to the data presented by Marcos Μπόλαρης in the house, from 2012 to 2016 have been identified 229 violations, of which 39 in 2015, and 14, up until today, within the current year. The total of the fines imposed on people who either διακίνησαν, either introduced, or were arrested to own them beyond the 2012 985.000 euro.
To contact our members of personnel of the Ministry of Rural Development, contacted the us replied: “the withholding of 20% of the subsidy due to illegal possession and use of pesticides, relates to taken a decision in our country, which refers to a circular of the 2012. This is a provision that starts from a regulation of the European Council (no. 73/2009) of 2009, which in article 25 states that in cases where a farmer who uses non-approved plant protection can impose fines as regards the subsidies to which they are entitled”.
And they add: “There is a government GAZETTE with the implementing part of the regulation of the country where it is the second 509/2010 and reports. It is basically for sanctions of Cross Compliance”.