Image by rafeejewell
(Title) criminalizing the “Illegal Immigration” without giving a solution IN ECONOMIC IMMIGRANTS ON THE WHO AND HOW WILL find a better life in the EU ..
tabled in the House bill of the Ministry of Justice, 283 pages, for the ratification of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. The penalty is supplemented by two protocols on combating illegal immigration and trafficking in persons, especially women and children.
The penalty for fighting organized crime, provided, among other measures:
– For the cooperation of Member States’ services to enhance the effectiveness and enforcement.
– To improve cooperation between law enforcement authorities.
– To protect witnesses.
– Mutual assistance.
– International cooperation for confiscation of proceeds of crime, property, equipment or other means.
– Criminalisation of money laundering.
– extradition agreement.
– collection, exchange and analyze information on the nature of organized crime.
Aims of the first protocol, as mentioned, are:
– Preventing and combating trafficking in persons, with particular attention to women and children.
– The protection and assistance for victims of trafficking that with full respect for human rights and
– Promoting cooperation among Member States to meet these goals.
also provided measures for the repatriation of victims and prevention.
second objective of the Protocol is to prevent and combat smuggling of migrants and promote cooperation between Member States while protecting the rights of smuggled migrants being transported.
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Image by rafeejewell The session was titled “The Design of Life,” and the TED audience was probably expecting remarks about evolution’s role in our history from biologist Richard Dawkins. Instead, he launched into a full-on appeal for atheists to make public their beliefs and to aggressively fight the incursion of religion into politics and education (quoting Douglas Adams in the bargain). Scientists and intellectuals hold very different beliefs about God from the American public, he says, yet they are cowed by the overall political environment. Dawkins’ scornful tone drew strongly mixed reactions from the audience; some stood and applauded his courage. Others wondered whether his strident approach could do more harm than good. Dawkins went on to publish The God Delusion and become perhaps the world’s best-known atheist.
Image by rafeejewell