Become the dentist of your self! Tricks to clean the stone tooth in your house!

The stone is a yellow or brown deposit on the teeth, which can lead to periodontitis if not removed, a fairly large quantity….
Most of you might be visit the dentist to resolve this issue, however, you can do this process at home.
What you need :
Hydrogen peroxide

  • Water
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Antiseptic mouthwash
  • Dental choice
  • Toothbrush

1. Mix one cup of hydrogen peroxide with ½ cup of lukewarm water after which you should rinse your mouth for a minute. Spit, and then rinse with ½ cup of cold water.
2. The most common and effective tool to get rid of the stone is the baking soda. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with ½ teaspoon of salt in a cup. Then, rinse the toothbrush with warm water and immerse it in the mixture. Brush your teeth . The whole process should last for five minutes.
3. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash every other day.
4: Use a dental choice of toothbrush for the scrubbing of the stone from the teeth. In order not to irritate and harm your gums, be careful not to scrape.
In order to obtain or maintain a beautiful smile, bright, shiny, and white teeth, follow the following the tips below:
Eat cheese
The consumption of swiss cheese Cheddar before meals helps neutralize the acids that cause stone. Fresh cheese contains ingredients that act as defenders.
Strawberries and tomatoes
The tomatoes and strawberries are great for maintaining oral health, because it is rich in vitamin C. Can whiten the teeth and soften the stone. Just rub directly onto your teeth and leave for 5 minutes. You can do the same process with other foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, lemons, peppers, berries, papaya. Then, rinse your mouth with a mixture made from baking soda and warm water.
Further tips for maintaining oral health
-You Should use dental floss regularly
-Clean your mouth with natural way with the saliva.
– To prevent the bacteria from multiplying, rub your teeth with orange peel before going to bed and don’t rinse your mouth.
– When you brush your teeth, use a soft brush and make vertical strokes. Be sure to always clean the gap between the gum and the tooth.

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