Back to school:10 tips to become a morning game!

Yes, the morning is a daily torture for you, but it’s a good system, is there a way to make it much easier…
Stick to the routine
Washing, dressing, breakfast, brushing teeth. The routine is very important for children to get used to what they will do each time, without having to shout all the time.
Avoid to open in the morning on the tv
The tv disrupts and delays not only children but also adults from the morning preparations.
Put the alarm clock at least 10 minutes early
So that you can wake up, take your time before you pick up the kids. Don’t forget that a pleasant for your awakening means that you will be happy and you will wake up with much more mild and sweet way.
Make a list of
A list from the previous night about what clothes I wear, boys, what we will prepare for lunch, etc. It will help us a lot.
Make sure your child sleeps enough at night
Children need at least 8 to 10 hours of night sleep to be rested. This means that in order to wake up at 7 have to sleep at the latest by 9 in the evening. For this organize properly the daily schedule and don’t let the kids stay up late unless there is a serious reason.
Keep in mind the character of your child
Some children wake up with great joy, and is always cheerful while others find it very difficult. So consider: your child is having difficulty with the changes? How much time it takes to complete something, such as getting dressed? Does he want a special way in the awakening not to nag you?
Do not use the school as a bogeyman
Often the reason that kids don’t want to get up in the morning is because you have intimidate on issues of delay or in relation to a work that they forgot. Also when the child has a problem with other children or with the teacher, is unwilling to return there, where is the problem. This is why it is important to speak daily with your children and narrate their day for you to be able to distinguish such problems.
Limit what the distraction
Apart from the tv games and the computer in the morning is a sure recipe for tardiness. Some children find it difficult to concentrate and to finish their outfits, have their breakfast when there are extraneous factors that distract, such as a game. So be sure to put terms.
Be flexible with the breakfast.
If you know that your child generally is not… breakfast be sure to find the table of things that can be eaten without protest, as ready juices, milk, smoothies , cereal or a bagel with cheese.
Avoid waking up abruptly
Who adult wants to wake up with voices?. Let alone the kids.