Augustus Corteau married his companion Anastasios Samuilidis: First posts from the wedding

His long-term companion, Anastasios Samuilidis, married the well-known author, O took place at the city hall of Athens. Augustus Corteau made known the news of his marriage to Anastasios Samuilidis, posting photographs on social media, writing: “My ring and my heart write your name”. His companion Anastasios Samuelidis also shared a photo of the marriage, in which he wrote, “Just married”. Then friends of the couple, who were present at the wedding, also published snapshots of their “union”. That’s where Jerry was, of course, and their favorite pet. View this post on Instagram Augustus Corteau made another post, thus expressing his feelings, addressing his younger self. He published a picture of him, in which he smiles in the mirror and shows his wedding ring AND wrote: “And now that the heartbeat has broken a little… What changed, beyond celebration, joy, the love of the people of my heart – and this little glow in my hand?” “As long as the ceremony lasted, as I kissed and hugged my husband, inside friends stood, almost invisible, a 16-year-old child. He looked at me with amazement, disbelief, and greedy longing. I think about him often, but the young man had never dared dream of me. Nobody heard me when I told him to get close, and get comfortable – after all, all these years, he lives inside me. A boy who’s a fool, said by Gachos, a stone of forgotten loneliness, we made it. Our lives reserved Tasos”.