Attention on social media, if you’re trying to get over a breakup

Breakups are never easy, in the era of social media, however, the situation is even more difficult…
Imagine trying to get over an ex and all common your friends on facebook to wish for.x. for his birthday…
Firstly, you need to change the ‘relationship status’ and delete your own friends who eventually became your own. Also, there is the matter of the joint photo and web monitoring.
In the lines that follow we show you how to manipulate all of these situations.
Relationship status
Even if you deny the facts, it is important to change to start accept the fact. If you are late to the do is like wait for reconnection.
Unfollow or unfriend you?
And go to the previously your partner. What is better to press? The unfollow or unfriend you? The truth is that if you are trying to get over someone, it’s not easy to see what he’s doing and where he is every day. The unfollow to allow you to choose how many updates you want to see from him/your ex.
The Facebook gives you the ability to be a friend with someone, but to not see all of the updates. A similar choice has been and twitter.
Watch what post
While social media can be an excellent point to express yourself, avoid the “drunk status” type – “I’ve Never felt better”, a few days or weeks after the breakup. Also, avoid aggressive quotes on Instagram.
Shared photos
Before social media, it is sufficient to dispose of (or burn) your photos with him/your ex. The solution to this is not to go in and delete each photo, but to change the settings in the Facebook memories, making untag the photos I don’t want to see.
Avoid online surveillance
Constantly looking where he went the former, analyzing the photos, you will make a lot of speculation about where he is and with whom. Or you may find that you have been fully overcome, because.x. he smiles at a party.
Also, there is always the risk of to like from momentum!
Generally make sure to keep your mind busy, to spend time with loved ones, friends and relatives and not spend so much time on social media.