Association of Judges and Prosecutors for Nico Farantouris: It undermines the work of Greek Justice

‘ Yesterday’s statements by a political executive of a parliamentary party, which insults the country’s Supreme Justices with anti-democratic characterizations, constitute a direct insult to the entire judiciary and undermine the work of Greek Justice, whose award attempts to be substituted outside the limits of the Constitution of the Hellenic Republic,” says its announcement. The Association of Judges and Advocates goes on to announce what Nikos Farantouris said: “These statements to the detriment of the Supreme Court of the country, the Supreme Court, accompanied by direct insults from the State and the Democratic Institutions now show that the purpose of those who support them is not to find the essential truth, but the political and only exploitation of a tragic event in the vortex of which they attempt to level the leading Institution of Justice. The Union of Justices and Prosecutors reminds everyone that the Republic was restored to our country in 1974 and that the question of the Constitution, Justice and the Institutions in general is the initial stage of the establishment of authoritarianism. Sovereign in the Hellenic Republic is the People from whom all Powers derive. Greece has a Constitution, the application of which is constantly guaranteed by Greek Justice. The Greek Judges and Prosecutors fully conscientiously and independently perform their supreme duty, based on the elements of the petitions, as stipulated in the Constitution and the Laws of the Coordinated Greek State so that Justice is awarded with the guarantees provided for by international human rights protection instruments. Otherwise each citizen would be in danger of becoming a hermit of the opponent’s or the public’s staff, who even seeks the death penalty at risk of permanently disturbing social peace and cohesion.”

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