Arrested gang member committing robberies and thefts in New Ionia and New Heraklion

In the deconstruction of a gang committed against minors and in houses and shops in Nea Ionia and New Heraklion proceeded EL.A., as became known today Thursday (28.03.24). According to EL.A., as part of an organized police operation that took place on Wednesday morning (27.03. 24) by officers of the New Ionia Security Department with the assistance of police officers of the Northeastern Attica Sub-Directorate of Security, a young alien, a gang member, while additional -3-members were identified. At their expense, a case-file was formed – where appropriate – for robberies and distinguished thefts continuously and in conjunction with and in violation of arms laws. When mapping their criminal action, it emerged that the defendants had been acting afternoon or evening hours and were mostly committed to burglaries – thefts from homes or shops. They gained access to their interiors either by climbing into the balconies of the houses, or breaking the shop facades, or breaking windows or locks and then removing various items and money amounts. In addition they were involved in robberies, the majority of which were against minors, where with the threat or use of physical violence, they removed his cell phones. As part of the operation the young perpetrator was identified and after researching in his possession and in houses were found and confiscated among others: -6-knives, sword, -2-axes, numerous tools, 15-meter cable bagging, air conditioner unit, -2-watches, Camera, -3- laptops -2- tablet and -2-bicycles. From the moment before the investigation, -5- heist, -1-theft of a vehicle and -8 cases of theft from houses and shops in New Ionia and Heraklion have been investigated. It is noted that the arrester was held in the country’s detention store until November 2023, while he has previously employed the Authorities for similar offences. The arrester was taken to the competent Prosecutor, while the investigation into the extent of criminal activity and the identification of the remaining gang members continues.