Archbishop of Cyprus for Habakkuk Monastery: Fraud, impropriety and immorality will be investigated

George referred to St. Habakkuk after what they saw in the light of publicity. The Archbishop noted that a complete investigation of all dimensions of the scandal will be carried out with the Monastery concerning rumoured frauds, irregularities and all kinds of immorality within the Church of Cyprus. He notes that the Holy Synod has entrusted its judicial bodies with the full investigation of the case, which have already begun investigations. At the same time the Archbishop calls on the Police and all bodies of the Republic of Cyprus involved in the investigations to solve the case to the end: “These phenomena cannot be done in any way and by no acceptable”. Finally, he expressed the certainty that everyone can distinguish in the institution of the Church persons unworthy of their mission, but noted that there are too many clergy who honor their mission. He concluded by saying: “The Church, I am sure, will come out strengthened by today’s crisis”.