Archbishop: “it Would be a big mistake to expect solution to the problems of strangers”

With the wish that there be unity and not αλληλουπονόμευση, because that’s the only way we will be able to move, reported today …
from the North of Greece, the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece mr. Hieronymus.
Also his Beatitude spoke about the problems and anxieties that people have, stressing that “called on the Church to be united for these people. And this module be the act of the clergy”.
Apart from the unity to the faith, pointed out the Archbishop, and reported on the welfare work of the Church, reinforced by the faithful.
“This is a touching offering of the people,” said the Archbishop, adding that “so we will overcome this crisis”.
In another point of his speech, the Archbishop pointed out that “the mission of the Church is not the power. Is not her own work. The Lord said that he came to serve him, but to διακονήσει and that is the purpose of the Church”.
It was also during his visits in the Metropolis and featured moving the participation of the world in the sequences, while underlined that “last we hear a lot about separation of Church.
In the pastoral of the Church, but there is no such reason. And that’s because everyone is free. Anyone who wants comes. And indeed, when, in the Gospel, the son took his fortune and squandered it, the father was waiting for him and when he came back I rebuked him, but invited him back into the house. This is the pastoral of the Church. Is the mother of all people. And those who leave if they want, they can go back”.
The Archbishop spoke of the offering of the Church in the time of the race, but also the power offered by the module.
“It would be a big mistake to expect solution to the problems of strangers,” said the Archbishop noting that “our strength is unity. And in this the Church has a great mission and I have with persistence to work, because when the ship sunk, we’re all in this together’.
Finally, concluding his speech the Archbishop said that he wished to there is a unity and not undermine it, because that’s the only way we will overcome our problems and move on.


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