Apostolia Zoe: The confession of the incarnation of tanya’s Τσανακλίδου in the final of the YFSF!

He chose this song?
Tanya Τσανακλίδου chose to embody in the final of the YFSF the Apostolia Zoe, and with a song with a great…
emotional, “Mom, I’m getting old”.
And the public gave her second place, however, the interpretation of it was shocking and the same “bend” at the end.
A few days later, Apostolia Zoe, speaking to the magazine 7 Days of TV and the Evi Βαλή talking about the song you chose and the thrill of.
Apostolia Zoe: “The loss of my mom defined me”
Did one of the most shocking appearances in the final. How did you choose that particular song, which, from what you said, it meant a lot to you?
“This piece is exclusive to the Tania, is her own, personal case. I just “borrowed”, because the ενσάρκωσα already, and it’s really my personal case, as it had descended and my family to live and it was a very nice opportunity to sing something that relates to it. I am very glad that it touched the world and the most moving that I have heard is approached by a girl and he told me: “when I heard that, I took my mom phone and I told her that I love her and, believe me, I haven’t ever said”. This was the most moving I’ve heard.
While continuing says: “But that was my intention. Beyond the interior, the mine, to find a man to simplify his life and to bring his parents closer with two words well -because usually we are tough on our parents-, that is a big win. When I see people saying things like that in the studio, as this particular girl, I feel terribly comprehensive inside of me”.