Antibiotics: In which cases AND ONLY have to take it

The excessive use of antibiotics is one of the main causes of viral resistance to antibiotics, a major public health threat on a global level…
The antibiotic is a treatment that should be followed only in particular cases, when it is a real need and always with the consent of a doctor.
In the framework of the eighth annual week of “Get Smart About Antibiotics Week” is under the auspices of the american Centre for Disease Control and Prevention from 16 to 22 November, dr. Saul Hymes, a specialist in pediatric infectious diseases at Children’s hospital, Stony Brook, New york. York, said:
“Any use of antibiotics leads, eventually, resistant bacteria, if these antibiotics just will not work anymore. And the excessive and unnecessary use of them for viruses or colds accelerate the evolutionary development of resistance of viruses to antibiotics”.
He added: “people need to understand that antibiotics cure bacterial infections, NOT viral infections like the common cold, or the flu”.
In most cases, the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, such as sore throat, infections in ears and nose, colds and bronchitis, can be reduced with simple rest, drinking enough fluids, avoiding smoking, and taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve pain or fever.
You can soothe your sore throat with lozenges (for older children and adults), hot drinks, or gargle with salt water.
A warm compress over the nose and forehead can help to relieve the stuffy nose. For older children and adults, other options include a decongestant or saline nasal sprays, or inhalations of hot steam from the shower or from a bowl of hot water.
Also, the simple medications can help. Consult your doctor or pharmacist about their use.
If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics, it is important to complete each cycle of use. Never share antibiotics, never use them without prescription and never do not keep extra antibiotics “for next time”.
You can reduce the chances of your family having antibiotics with the preventive measures, such as to make their recommended vaccinations, to ensure good hand hygiene and covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

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