Anna Menenaku for Saviour Tsafoulia: He’s my man, I love him.

“It’s an integral part of me, but I’m not just his girlfriend”. That’s the statement she made or about her lover. On the set of the Fay’s time show Anna Menenakos was found, which was mentioned with tender words about the director Sotiris Tsafoulia. The actress, in everything, also referred to her partner, and explained how she feels every time she sees being called “the girl of Saviour Tsafoulia”. “A title always comes out. The titles for me are very difficult, because I may have said other things, I may have done other things, and there’s only one title that suddenly… I’ve talked about the Savior, and I feel like I’m evolving with him, he’s my man, I love him, we’re family now, we have a home, like everyone else, you’re not with a man like that, something ties you up…”, confessed Anna Menenaku. “It is an integral part of me, and of course I will talk about the Savior and our lives, as much as I can and will. But at some point, this is getting a little weird. It’s weird to see “the girl of Sotiris Tsafoulia”, it’s kind of like you no longer have a personality, you’re just the girl”, the famous actress concluded.