The interviewed Danae Barca, on the show “Go Danai” and spoke about the accusations he has been facing since 2020 about and about his nomination in the European elections with the Green Movement party. The actor referred to everything has happened in his life in the last year, after the charges by Helen Chronopoulou for abuse, against him. Alexis Georgoulis revealed today (01.04.2024) in , how he was influenced by this story on a personal level, where the evolution of this case is today, and also mentioned in this year’s. “It was very strange. I learned it in a very strange way. I heard there was a request for my immunity, and I asked why. I’m shocked. I thought this could have happened,” Alexis Georgoulis said initially adding, “The strange thing is that since the complaint to date there has been no newer. I, as I said from the first moment, promoted my immunity immediately, then the Brussels prosecutor was ready to call me. There was no call. From what I understand, there is nothing urgent. It’s freezing. It’s in the hands of justice. I haven’t been invited yet, so there’s no development, so there’s no complaint. That’s why I said I would not try to take advantage of the situation… Since there is no criminal prosecution, I am think legally and morally free to run for election.” Alexis Georgoulis expressed his emotion for those who came out to speak positively about him defying a possible negative criticism. “It’s a very difficult and delicate situation. You have to understand that everything they say in public has nothing to do with the complaint. Everyone spoke according to how they imagined a situation. Maybe they were waiting for an avalanche of metoo that wouldn’t end. What thrills me is that some people spoke defying this avalanche, because when something starts, it grows and grows and never stops. They talked to some people who knew me personally, people who knew me from the field, and people who knew me as a public figure, 23 years I’ve been in public exposure, could have an opinion. What moves me is that some people spoke without being urged, and without having second thoughts. When I walk out, every time someone comes to me, “I believe you, we didn’t eat it”” he said. Finally, Alexis Georgoulis replied about whether he ever felt the need to call someone to ask him for the reason for things that had been said, but also for the people who possibly got away. “I looked to keep my distance from all this, and I think that was the right move, because when you go answer a person who hears it 15, it becomes a popular court and prevails the one who cries the most. I didn’t go to get away or keep people from me… If you’re in my circle and you don’t want to be, I recognize that right. I don’t hold grudges because someone believed something and reacted accordingly. I’m always open, I’ve been hit many times – not in such a way – just making sure I always remember that there are things that might hurt me. It is good to be open, but remember that you are not invulnerable,” Alexis Georgoulis said.
Alexis Georgoulis: The accusations of abuse and nomination in the European elections
in Greece