Alexandroupoli: The first images after the death of a 15-year-old child in front of his father

The victim’s accident with a 15-year-old child has upset her. An unfortunate moment cost a 15-year-old child life in Alexandroupolis. As the first evidence shows and reports residents of the area at, the minor who had ascended to the roof with his father, to build an antenna, slipped and found himself in the vacuum from the lampstand. The point was pandemonium. A big operation was set up to haul the child, but unfortunately it was already too late. The underage student of the third grade had already left his last breath. The 15-year-old was killed Saturday morning (16.03.2024) in Alexandroupolis when he fell into the void, without his father being able to react. The unfortunate child performed work along with his father on the roof of the apartment building that they lived in, when under conditions that remain to be clarified and officially lost his balance and found himself in the void. As a local resident says in “it is a tragedy. From what we learned, the kid went up with his father to build an antenna. I don’t know how, but the kid stepped on a glass pane in the lamp, he broke, the kid lost his balance and fell down. Unfortunately, his death was instantaneous. We are all shocked,” he said. Father saw his son fall into the void unable to react. A large fire escape operation was set up, which lasted about half an hour Unfortunately the unfortunate young man was transferred without his senses to P.G.N. A where his death was found.