Alexandroupoli: “Killed for a selfie” – What does the priest say about the accident

The grandfather of the wrongful child speaks to you about the, which cost his grandson his life. Tomorrow as he tells us was his birthday… Father John talks to about the accident in Alexandroupolis and about his grandson, who was killed prematurely, unfairly and unexpectedly. As he tells us, he went up on the roof this morning to take out a selfie, when he stepped on the window of the lamp, broke it and was found in the void. The 14-year-old died instantly. His father, who was together, was impossible to save his child. “The death of my grandson was lightning in the air. Our souls are broken. It is a situation that is not spiritually controlled. I may be a priest and control her, but humanly it’s not easy. Not to experience this, it is so difficult,” the grandfather of the wrongful child first tells us: “He was a very smart and active child. Smiley kid. He went up on the roof with his father to take a selfie photo, I don’t know how, he tripped and fell into the lamp from the 5th floor. PAOK had won his favourite team and asked his father to go up to the 5th floor and wearing his team jersey to take a photo and have it. From the joy of his team. But this all turned into a tragedy. He went to the edge of the lamp, had a glass that, perhaps was cracked, touched it, broke and fell in.” ” Yesterday Giannakis had his birthday. We had called and I was singing to him to live John with white hair and the kid was laughing. He told me he was coming to buy us Sunday. He was the kid in the family. He had two older brothers 28 and 24 years old. He was the family’s benjamin Giannakis,” says the unfortunate child’s grandfather. “At such a time you cannot easily speak to comfort someone. This was now a stab in the heart. Like someone took a knife and turned it in. What can my children say about losing their sprout? Tomorrow there will be his funeral and we will tighten our hearts to say goodbye. Kids should always be careful. To avoid reaching such unpleasant situations,” he concludes. According to police, the 14-year-old was transferred unconsciously to Alexandroupolis University General Hospital, where he ended up.