Aghios Anargyros: The commander of the AT, facing criminal responsibilities the answering machine of Direct Action

The developments in the Greek Police after the news, this time of the 28-year-old Sunday outside the Police Department and the outrageous response of the Direct Action when the girl requested a police car. As it became known, the commander of the Police Department of Agii Anargyros was removed from his position while the answering machine of Direct Action is faced with administrative and criminal responsibilities, while he is also removed from his post after the women’s death on Monday night (01/04/2024). According to, the sound given to the public was sent from yesterday (02/04/2024), by the Police itself, to the prosecutor and the conductor of the internal investigation by ELAS. As a well-known police officer of the call center who sounds to chat with the victim has been removed from his position, he is under investigation from ELAS and faced with criminal and administrative responsibilities, and also replaced the Commander of the Police Department of Agii Anargyros. It is recalled that the sound is included, it is part of the file and that the investigation for all involved has already begun since yesterday. They are all thoroughly audited in both the AT and 100, deposits have been received from everyone and by Friday, after the preliminary investigation is completed all evidence will be sent to the prosecutor, as provided for by the procedure, in order to invite them to apologize.

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