Aegina: “If I did not reveal it, I would hurt myself” – 25 year old describes in what she lived in the hands of her rapist

“If I hadn’t revealed it, I would have hurt myself,” says in the 25-year-old who reported that she was raped by her stepfather in . The girl who claims to have experienced an unprecedented nightmare, says her mother does not know the slightest about the action of the 36-year-old. “My mother has nothing to do with harassment, nor is he an accomplice to drugs and trafficking. I decided to go to the police because I was indignant, I couldn’t take it anymore” he argues in the 25-year-old, according to which her nightmare began from the age of 15 at her home in Aegina. And he adds: “He teased me a little bit, bits and pieces since I was 15 – 16 years old. He stopped them because I had spoken to two people. And my mother had yelled at him and they had a fight and he begged her, apologized to her, and told her he had stopped it. He did stop it until I was 18.5 years old. She probably waited for me to grow up and did all this,” the young girl tells Continuing, she argues that her stepfather was filming his heinous acts and “she was telling me he wants the videos for personal use and was laughing. He threatened me with these videos.” It all happened at home in Aegina The young woman, continuing her narrative at, claims that everything took place inside the house in Aegina. “After some years it had become routine. He did what he did and left. I had no choice, I’m too weak. I told him I had reached my limits. I told him I’d either do stupid things to myself or reveal it. He forbade me to go somewhere alone inside the house.” In fact, when she asked him with despair, as he tells us, why he does this to her “she told me I had to do it. I was afraid to tell my mom so I wouldn’t hurt her because I love her too much and I don’t want her to get hurt. Now that I know he’s in prison, tortured and in huge shock, he’s not well.” I felt guilty according to what the 25 – year – old reported, after every time she raped her, she tried to isolate herself and felt guilty. “I was always a mess, I put on headphones. I didn’t do it of my own free will, he did this thing systematically. I had no choice. For the last three years I couldn’t see him. We made the happy family. I couldn’t look my mom in the eye because I was ashamed. I felt guilty that it was my fault. I’m afraid even now to talk to my mom. I don’t know her reaction because I don’t even know if she knows all that. She is very tortured, and abused her for many years and my biological father.” The young woman proceeded to the complaint Tuesday (05.03.02024) and yesterday Wednesday (06.03.2024) she was also examined by a coroner. After having found the courage to denounce her stepfather for the terrible acts he claims he did to her all these years, he says in that “although I fear him, I want to see him very much in the face. Tell him to admit everything and get my mom out of what’s in it now. While we were at the station and he called me by my nickname with a hate. I still have the sound in my ears. I had a panic attack, hid in the corner of the officer’s office and trembled and cried because I heard him call me.” At the same time, according to, the 25-year-old is with prosecutorial intervention in the psychiatric clinic of General State Nice, in order to ascertain by experts under what circumstances the rapes and sick acts that denounce her mother’s companion were carried out.