Achaia: Agony for 42-year-old woman with severe meningitis hospitalized in Rio hospital

Intense is the agony of 42 years old by . The woman was severely ill and her health status was considered serious, which is why she was already transferred to the University General Hospital of Patras in Rio. The 42-year-old patient with and descent from India, felt intense abdominal pains and rushed on the evening of 19 March to the Amaliad Nursing Unit, where the medical staff went on tests that did not show in the first phase what it had. On the morning of March 20 she was discharged, however she returned a little later with a worsening of her health since she had a high fever and vomiting. After a second series of examinations, it was considered necessary to transfer it immediately to the Tower Nursing Unit with an EKAB station. There, the medical staff after a full cycle of tests as well as a puncture by the on-call pathologist found that 42-year-old suffers from microbial meningitis. “We diagnosed meningitis directly, since it had positive meninges” The same diagnosis of microbial meningitis was confirmed by the pathologist of the General Hospital of Patras “Saint Andrew” Maria Calapodi, who stated: “A woman from Amaliada came to our unit with diarrhea and abdominal pain, which had been treated with gastroenteritis. He had even left this morning and returned due to a heavier situation. We were interrupted and diagnosed directly with meningitis, since it had positive meninges. We gave her the puncture, started her special treatment and did everything. It seems that he had rather meningococcal sepsis with rash and from there he was treated in a stable but serious condition at Riou hospital.” Identification of 42-year-old contacts and medication According to, 42-year-old worked in a packing plant in the area, in which a police scale was found as soon as the results of her tests were known in order to alert all 27 employees in the business and their families and to rush to Amaliada to obtain antibiotics that would provide them with chemical protection. It is worth noting that the 42-year-old family lives years in Havari Ilia, with the underage children of the woman even going to the primary school of the area. Same sources say that the owner of the business the woman works for hastened himself to take the children of 42 years old from school and to proceed with further tests to cover health care, since their parents were in the hospital.