According to surveys, many foreign languages…

Of course the more foreign languages we learn will increase the plasticity of the brain as well as the ability to encode information. This discovered researchers of the Higher School of Economics (ΗSE) of the National Research University in Moscow, Russia in cooperation with colleagues at the University of Helsinki, as reported in the journal “Scientific Reports”.
perierga.en – The many foreign languages to sharpen the mind!
According to the study, the neurophysiological mechanics of language and the conquest of speech have not been adequately explored by scientists in comparison with other functions of the brain. The reason has not been given the proper attention is practical: there is the possibility to investigate the linguistic function in experimental animals. The researchers decided to conduct experiments on humans (apparently the only model which can be studied effectively in the functioning of the language) in which the electrical activity of the brain recorded by eeg.
Participated 22 students (10 boys and 12 girls) with a mean age of 24 years…
The scientists placed electrodes on the head of the volunteers and then put them to listen to recordings of different words in their mother tongue and in foreign languages (both well-known and completely unknown to those).
As the participants listened to known and unknown words, experts recorded their brain activity.
Focused mainly on the speed with which the brain επαναπροσάρμοζε activity to process the unknown words. Then the information collected about the neurophysiology of the brain of the volunteers were compared with the linguistic background: how many languages he knew everyone, at what age she had started the learning of any language etc. Turns out, the ability of the brain to process quickly information depends on the “linguistic memories” of everyone. The experiment in particular showed that the electrical brain activity of volunteers who already knew some foreign languages was greater.
As commented the lead author of the study, Yuri Στίροφ, researcher of the Centre for Knowledge and decision-Making of the HSE, as several foreign languages, knew a person, the more quickly you formed the neural network that encodes the information for the new words. Ultimately, therefore, it seemed that the new information changes the physiology of the brain, since the new knowledge that “loading” the hard drive concealed inside the head increases the plasticity. And yes, more such new information is translated and to a greater plasticity.
The researchers believe that understanding how the brain works in order to conquer a new language is of vital importance in the diagnosis of language problems that appear after accidents, strokes and other related conditions – and eventually in treating them. In addition, the deeper we understand the principles of creation and strengthening of neural networks we will be able to harness these mechanisms and to improve the learning process.