About the “unanimous” resolution of the conference of the Rectors

The articles relating to the “unanimous” resolution of the conference of the Rectors of the 3.11.2016 for p/n Programmes …Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies” pose reasonable questions.
First, the “unanimous” resolution is not so unanimous. Several rectors have not agreed with the content of the text.
Secondly, it appears the meeting to express their discomfort about the alleged interruption of the dialogue with the ΥΠΠΕΘ. It does not take into account that the dialogue was launched last April at an extraordinary meeting of the rectors caused by the same Associate Minister. The meeting of the rectors ‘ conceals the fact that the public consultation has been extended precisely in order to give further time for the deans to submit their comments. Attempts with the incorrect content of the resolution to delete the contemptuous behavior towards the Political Leadership with the resolution of the 1.10.2016, in the midst of the public consultation was extended at the request of the same. Lets end a glimpse of a less inappropriate point of view on dialogue, like the dialogue an endless debate without a conclusion, which perpetuates the current unregulated landscape.
Thirdly, the ΥΠΠΕΘ must repeat, yet again, that with the under deposit p/n taken for the restoration of constitutional legality.
The safeguard of the public good of education and of securing conditions for the unrestricted exercise of the social right of access to education.
The ΥΠΠΕΘ points out that, according to article 16, par. 4 of the Constitution, granted the right of free education at all levels of education. The right of free education for second and third cycle of study.
The ΥΠΠΕΘ defend the constitutional legality, the extremely mild approach of ensuring the right of free access to the second cycle studies of higher education, as expressed by the majority of the Coe in number. 2411/2012 decision of the Plenary session: in Accordance with this, it is up to the legislator to implement the imposition of tuition fees on graduate students to cover the costs of the Programmes of Postgraduate Studies, the amount of which should not be like that “so that it is impossible or difficult for the participation in Programs of Postgraduate Studies for students of limited income capacity, because such a measure would παρεβίαζε the general freedom of access to education”.
Well, let’s, in part, an alleged legal obstacles which stumbles the provision of a ceiling and let’s give the new generation this is due.