Abolition Of Asylum

Kostas Rep. Χρονόπουλου, Columnist -Σχολιογράφου
The mess continues / intensifies and expands…
The centre of the city is disturbed, MMM burned, arrests (ceremonial /acquaintance – or maybe …. recognition?) are and -traditional – the συλλαμβανόμενοι are released (!).
They have obviously tired of the decades of descriptions , reports, video images, concerns.k.
The situation is not improving, is deteriorating !….
Personally, I have written several times and in fact – as is my wont – I have proposed and solutions. Some and with a caustic humor in a desperate attempt to move their (respective) ΑΡΜΟΔΙΟΑΝΑΡΜΟΔΙΟΥΣ Υπευθυνοανεύθυνους Handle. No result.
If we take as a given that:
– “Kids “/”Known Unknown Fighters” arsonists and the like.k I don’t have to try and stop god’s work.
– Require to take part / rooms of the Building of the technical University for “research and scientific methods for manufacturing incendiary devices / bomb etc”
– They are creating as a base, par excellence, the Polytechnic for the excursions for relief and punishment / subversion of the “System” .
– Consider and rightly so, due to squatter’s, the Area as a State (within a state) = ΕΞΑΡΧΙΣΤΑΝ. Unfortunately, the Police, the State Authorities.
– Try every way , once .. awkward, disastrous (private or public estate) and criminal ( :injuries, sometimes deadly) to say or change (we), the System of Power, or continue mercilessly (those) god’s work.
Set, following the above , the inexorable question:
What (should) make the “Coordinate State” to you? The “Alleged Member”?
Subsides, turning a deaf ear to, go along or react, really?
Until now it is ….like this. Monitors non-rising μπαχαλοποίηση.
Noting the fact I had – among other things – recommend to the official, equal recognition (as is the case for example with the Vatican) of the ΕΞΑΡΧΙΣΤΑΝ as an independent State, within the framework of the current “alleged Member “.
I believe that this would facilitate , through Embassies , peaceful, civilized, transnational dispute settlement, in a spirit of mutual respect.
But and the end χρονίζουσας rivalry. (P.P Essential for the smooth exchange of populations and governmental Services, Banks, etc.).
Pending the acceptance of my proposal, I thought to suggest one more thing: Remove the Asylum (in the forthcoming Constitutional Review). It’s almost half a century since -άσκεφτα – established constitutional the infamous “Asylum” free movement of ideas, research, and student concerns. Gradually degenerated into a notorious “Asylum”: teachers, students, αναρχοαυτόνομων passers-by fringe. Specialized laboratory construction of bombs, space squatting, drug trafficking , all sorts of “ΑΣΥΛΙΤΩΝ” ruffians – domestic and foreign – who are relieved by transforming the space of the University in a public αφοδευτήριο (!). Shame on you!….
PS In the meantime – and in order to avoid creating trauma to the tender little souls of the “children” – to build a their own “Area of Immunity” in order: to detonate, to create , to live , with the wish and expectation, and agreement that it will not occupy other public buildings.
No one – with the exception of K.P (=Party System) and ΜΙΘΡΙΔΑΤΙΣΜΕΝΟΥΣ συνέλληνες – wants something.
This is exactly why we continue !…..

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