A two-day visit Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Berlin

A two-day visit to Berlin starts today-the president of the New york.D., Kyriakos Mitsotakis…
who will have meetings with German chancellor Άγκελα Merkel and Finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble.
The meeting with the German chancellor, will take place today at 13:00, at the headquarters of the CDU, while at 17:30 mr. Mitsotakis will meet in the German Bundestag with members of the CDU.
Tuesday at 11:30 will be the tête-à-tête of the president of the New york.D. mr Schaeuble at the Finance ministry, while at 13:00 mr. Cheney will attend a working lunch with representatives of business and industrial bodies of Germany.
As he put strain of.D. the key “request” mr Mitsotakis to the German government will be to ensure “financial air”. In particular, the president of the New york.D. you will develop the view for a plan, of Greek inspiration and of property, with which “the country will be able to claim financial “air” from the lenders, so as to the recognized reduction of the primary surpluses for the coming years.” According to the same source, if this is achieved, it will allow you to reduce, further, the taxes and thus provide the country with even greater growth potential. A key element in the view.D. is that “this can be achieved but only with a reliable, reformist government”.
The meetings will be discussed in addition to the economy and the refugee/immigrant issue, while mr. Mitsotakis will ask for greater support from the European Union to manage.