A trick to keep “alive” the battery of the iPhone

Learn how to charge your iPhone at the…
50%. There’s a reason.
This “once in a while you have to empty it completely”, is not true eventually, so don’t do it anymore. If you want your battery to be attached to the maximum and has the greatest possible duration of life, φόρτιζέ the at regular intervals, and ideally when it reaches 50%. Like the “little and frequent meals” diet is one thing.
In the specific, it all depends on the so-called “depth of discharge”, which basically is how much power does your battery the moment you plug it in and the measurements taken have shown that it works the best prices when you consume 50%.
When you take it off? Before it gets to 100%, by experts, in order to avoid the heat generated by the battery to full charge, and (don’t ask why) is not conducive to the lithium ions of which mainly consists. Useful all these, considering that the change of the battery of an iPhone costs around 50 euro.

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