A problem with the immune system? The signs that should worry you

The immune system is the body’s defenses against the threats that accepts…
When in overdrive, or idle, the function of i.e. is not natural, but disturbed, it manifests itself in various symptoms that are called immunological disorders.
The immunological disorders associated with a higher risk for miscarriages in women.
The most common symptoms are:
Convulsions or Guillain-Barré syndrome
When the immune system attacks the nerve endings of the large muscle groups of the body, such as the legs, leading to muscle weakness. The spasms last from a few seconds to a few minutes and it is for the disorder known as Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Pain in the joints
If you have severe pain in the joints is likely to have a hyperactive immune system. This is the disease of rheumatoid arthritis, in which the immune system produces antibodies that create problems and pain in the joints, a condition that, if left without treatment can cause permanent damage and immobility.
The immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. So, given the damage caused to the pancreas by the agency shows type 1 diabetes.
The antibodies that are left over end up in different parts of the body such as the kidneys, the nerves and the lungs and the long stay in these areas leads to the appearance of inflammation.
Inflammatory bowel disease
The antibodies of a υπερλειτουργικού immune attack in the intestines, causing severe cases of diarrhea, expressed with bleeding, fever, pain in the abdomen and abnormal weight loss.
The function of the thyroid gland is regulated by the immune system. Consequently, this makes him one of the first organs that are affected by an immune disorder. The weight fluctuations, increased heart rate, nervousness, weakness, fatigue, constipation and dry skin are some of the symptoms.

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