A film of memories: The beloved Izmir through photographic documents of the past! [Photos]

It has been almost a century since the day that the flames were started by the Armenian quarter and spread through up to the luxury buildings on the waterfront Quai. Everything burned in Izmir apart from the neighbourhood of the Turks.
Worst of all, as mentioned by Henry Miller, “The city was erased from global memory”. No producer in Hollywood not made a movie – the glamour and the painful end. It’s not Hollywood that will add value to an event, but eventually the Izmir and the drama were devalued so that primarily remain in the collective memory only of those who lived the events and their descendants.
Izmir as a concept and lived experience fades and that’s a mess. First and foremost, the people of Smyrna were suffering and the pain this entails a crime against humanity. As hurt the Japanese with the dropping of two atomic bombs, the residents of Dresden, with the merciless bombing of the Allies, the Vietnamese, with the term war during the Cold War, and how many other people. Izmir had its own people. The people, render it different from every other city. A few compared with as many features. Due to the wealth of urban beauty, the natural beauties which surround it, the output of the charming blue color of the Aegean sea, of songs, of γεύσεών and its people.


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