A brilliant trick to dry off right away, your phone just got wet!

How many times have you ever had a wet accidentally, your cell phone?
Once however is enough to destroy it once and for all. See what you can do to save it. The only thing to watch for is to be fast enough.
You will need…
2-4 cups.cf. rice and a big bag that closes with a zipper.
How to do it…
Your first move, in accordance with the faysbook, is to move your phone from the liquid in which it fell. Turn it off immediately and if possible remove the battery, sim card, headphones, and whatever extra there is.
Take a soft cloth (towel, t-shirt) and wipe it.
Then fill the bag with the rice and dip the phone in the rice. Seal the bag and leave it there for 2 days before using it again.
After two days, take it off and open it up. If you don’t open it, charge it up. Most likely your phone will have no problem.

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