Iceland: Parallel eruptions in the volcano – Greendavik City Saved

Baraz explosions are observed for the third day in the Reikines Peninsula, which exploded for the fourth time since December, however its authorities assure it that infrastructure and a nearby fishing village are currently safe. Tobacco and lava are still coming out of Iceland’s great fault. The activation of the volcano on the Reikianes peninsula, near the capital Reykjavik, is the seventh since 2021. Then it exploded again, after 800 years of remaining inactive. Artificial obstacles successfully managed to remove lava from important infrastructure, such as Schwarzengi’s geothermal power plant, and the town of Gredavik. Plans broadcast by public television RUV show a lava river flowing a few hundred meters from the city which was evacuated in November and again in February. “Gridavik’s defenses proved their value (…) directed lava towards the designated area,” said local utility company HS Orka. Magma had accumulated underground after the last explosion in February, resulting in authorities warning of an imminent explosion. On Saturday they issued a warning just 15 minutes before the molten rock fountains began to rise to the surface from a 3 km long crack, about the same size and point as the February explosion. The lava flows continue at a steady pace today and are too early to predict when it will end, Magnus Tumi Goodmundson, professor of geophysics at the University of Iceland, told RUV. 4ème éruption spectaculaire en Islande, à !! Depuis plusieurs jours, le volume estimé dans le réservoir magmatique de Svartsengi était d’environ 10 million de m3, volume qu’il avit atteint avant les trois éruptions depuis décembre dernier. L’éruption était donc… — (@catnatnet) The February explosion lasted less than two days, while in 2021 volcanic activity lasted six months.