Skourletis: Open the debate for the simple analog – a Word for the Government

In an interview with the Interior Minister Panos Skourletis and in response to a question of the Journalist Nikos Hatzinikolaou for simple analog, left open the…
consider if there is a change of direction from other parties to discuss it in order to be applied from the next elections.
We read quote:
Mr. secretary, read scripts in newspapers in the last few days about the possibility to seek the government’s expansion of addressed to the Fofi Gennimata and the Democratic Coalition, with a vehicle and a new electoral law. To reset ie on the agenda the issue of proportional representation. The question is simple. This scenario has a basis of truth or not?
PANOS SKOURLETIS: With regard to the electoral law, proportional representation is already ψηφισμένος law. Failed to muster the required majority to apply in the next election…
NICK ΧΑΤΖΗΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ: That’s what I mean, the simple analog for them, this is the showdown…
PANOS SKOURLETIS: Will apply in the consequent. If we have a shift in the political forces – that have not claimed so as to gather the required votes and to apply from the next election – it would be something positive. Remains to be seen, but I have never heard of anything in public.
Apart from the application of proportional representation in the Central political scene, the implementation of self-Government is an issue which at some point will need institutions to be answered and to hear the point of view of the sub-national executives who are aligned with the SYRIZA.
