Useful tips to exercise safely

He Writes: Deacon Theodore
Almost all we can get out for a walk without a problem and the exercise of medium intensity is most times safe. But what happens when we decide …
to adopt a more intense exercise program? When you need to talk to our doctor, and how can we protect ourselves from any injuries?
If you have suffered an injury or if you suffer from a chronic disease, such as asthma, heart disease or hypertension, you should speak with your doctor before you start exercising. In addition, it is right to talk with your doctor if you experience symptoms that make you wonder – even in the slightest – if you were secure when you through the gym, such as chest pain or dizziness.
And once the doctor confirmed that all is well and that you can start the fitness program that you wish, these are the most useful tips to avoid injuries.
* Always take five to ten minutes before and after workout for warm-up and relaxation, during which you will train with much lower rates. And don’t forget to do stretching exercises at the beginning!
Especially if you have time to exercise, do not start ever at 100% of your forces. It may take some time to get there. Your goal should be to start slowly and increase the intensity and difficulty gradually.
Don’t forget that the hard exercise, when done regularly, it can cause injuries from excessive “use” of the muscles, and injuries to tendons and joints. One smart way to prevent is to deal with different fitness methods so as not to repeat the same program, and get plenty of rest always adequately.
Listen carefully to your body. If you feel weak, tired or ready to get sick, you don’t work out. If you can’t complete a set of exercises do not push yourself.
If you’ve been working out before, you have made a big break and you start, remember that taking things back to the beginning. This means that you will not be able to raise the same pounds that you pick up a couple of years ago, and that you will not be able to run the same distances, with the same intensity.
Don’t forget to drink a lot of water. But, if your exercise is particularly intense, or if you are preparing for someone in a marathon, you need a drink that replenishes fluids and electrolytes.
Select the appropriate shoes for the kind of workout that you do.
If you start exercises with weights, start with very low weight, just to learn the right way made the exercises. Never try to complete the set by doing the exercises more quickly—I’ll just do it wrong, at the risk of personal injury.
If the weather is especially hot and humid, the gym is not a very good idea. If you go to the gym, make sure to open the air-conditioning. If you go out for a run or cycling, try to do it either very early in the morning, or late in the afternoon, the temperature has dropped a little.
On the other hand, you have to dress accordingly and if it will work out in the cold. Wear “layers” of clothes that you will be able to shoot as much as you guys are hot, and don’t forget the gloves.
If you feel muscle pain 12 to 24 hours after exercise, which gradually subside, it’s normal. Your muscles are tired and replenish their forces. On the contrary, the permanent and intense muscle pain that starts during exercise or immediately after, alternatively, if the muscle pain lasts a week or more – requires an immediate visit to the doctor.