10 things no man will tell you, but you NEED to know

So can all the analysis and take, we’ll never understand if men and women are from the same planet, or not, but we have to admit that we make an honest effort to be able to…
decipher the special and hidden behaviors of men, mainly because we love the unsuspecting reader out there. Because, my friend, can you believe some very specific things about men, and not comes a man to tell you the truth and explain that, ultimately, nothing is as it seems. With a few words, here we have 10 great truths about men and sex that you might not know this, but now it’s time to learn! You can thank us later, for the time being… pay attention.
1. The man doesn’t want sex, he needs it: just Like eating and sleeping. With a few words, if you deprivation to get stuck out, while he of course knows that you’re doing it on purpose, then it is likely to achieve the opposite effect. We just keep you posted.
2. Immediately after sex, the vast majority of disengaging from the partner, and usually falls into a stupor. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault somewhere. It is in the nature of man and just a… chemical and psychological reaction.
3. Men fantasize about any woman, and if know. Yeah sorry to say, but it’s usually done. Even if it’s creamers with good, even if she is a beauty, is a matter of complete indifference. You will always want to try sex with something… different!
4. The more cool you are the other impressive women, the more he will ignore it. How he told you and Anna Vissi’s? Lovin ‘ the Forbidden. So, show him the goddess, who sits a little further, and εκθείασέ. Certainly will show a lot less interesting than you’d a bad. Law!
5. When you see a man thinking, staring at the infinite-and I don’t have a serious problem-then you know that thinking about sex! So in case you see him hesitating to answer you, don’t go for it because you will receive no inappropriate answer, and I wouldn’t blame it.
6. If you play hard… you got him: This is true, but pay attention because we tend to misunderstand some of the situations. We don’t mean to asking you out and you can make the soul of man, but we are on the subject of sex. Put limits, imposed your own rules, and certainly things are more likely to go the way you imagined.
7. The hair, the makeup, the clothes, and generally whatever you do to like you-not only men, but mostly women-leave him icily indifferent. My friend, if you don’t have sex appeal and self-confidence, and the sexiest dress in the world to wear, it’s not going to help you.
8. All men are pigs: Actually tell them the way you want because the piglets are adorable. Do you prefer: Men, a waste of money? All men think about sex and all the men, or cheat, or have thought to do-even the most quiet children. We’re sorry, but there it is.
9. No man I don’t like to talk about your ex. They can report all the time and without any guilt, but you have to give the impression that before him you were a virgin.
10. Men sometimes see sex as a job! Although they consider it enjoyment, but on the other consider it a sacred duty and a duty to please a woman. Slowly saviours with a few words.