CHANGES in Capital Controls – HOW much will you withdraw from 24/5

What changes in withdrawals, deposits, and capital controls it?
An important change is soon to be the Greek deposits, ενδεχόμενως after the 24th of May which is the day of big decisions for the European Union regarding the Capital Controls.
On the basis of continuous improvement of the data for the αναλήπτες, things are expected to get worse, unfortunately, than what it is today.
The measure for 420 euro per week, which is currently the limit for withdrawals than deposits, it is very soon to change and, unfortunately, it is expected that it will change for the worse.
Of course, not as to the amount of the withdrawal, which of course will grow as a whole, but mainly for the ergonomics, which is going to take a serious blow.
In particular, the 420 euro weekly, it is expected to be 210 euro per day!
What does that mean? That in the space of one week (five working days) the αναλήπτης can lift 1050 euros!
A significant increase in the maximum amount of drawdown, with one important remark, however, which is the whole point of the above negative comments:
The αναλήπτης will not have the right to raise a mass a certain amount of their deposits. It can, for example, don’t pick up a day money and another to pick up the money and the two days, i.e. eur 420.
Imagine how painful it is and how much trouble it would cause to pensioners and disabled people -for example – the measure, since it will force them to commute on a daily basis as the bank to raise money!
It remains to be seen when and whether we will apply this measure in practice and mainly, the impact on the everyday life of the world.

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