Dynamic presence of Greece in the United Arab Emirates with contacts If. Minister of Tourism, mrs. Elena Kountoura

Dynamic presence of Greece in the United Arab Emirates with contacts If. Minister of Tourism, mrs. Elena Kountoura for the…
promotion of Greek tourism and attracting tourism investment
In the framework of the International Exhibition of Tourism Arabian Travel Market in Dubai (25-28 April), where EOT participated with a stand, the Deputy Minister of Tourism, mrs. Elena Kountoura, has had important contacts with governmental bodies and actors in the tourism market of the United Arab Emirates for the strengthening of the tourist flow to Greece and attract investment.
The visit took place in continuation of the strategic opening of Greek tourism in the dynamic markets of the Middle East that began in 2015 and enhanced this year in the presence of our country.
The If. Minister met with the Minister of State and head of the EXPO 2020 DUBAI, ms. Reem Al Hashimy, with the president of the Chamber of commerce and Industry of Dubai, mr. Majid Al Ghurair, and the chief Executive of the official investment vehicle Investment Corporation of Dubai (ΙCD), mr. Mohammed Al Shaibani.
He even had a series of meetings with tour operators as well as with entrepreneurs who have expressed interest in tourism investments in Greece.
Also mrs. Kountoura met with the Chairman and Ceo of Emirates Airlines and Chairman of the Civil Aviation authority of Dubai, Sheikh Ahmedbin Saeed Al Maktoum.
Greece and the prospects of Greek tourism presented by the Minister in an interview given to CNN as well as in SMES in the United Arab Emirates.
Contacts and meetings attended by the Secretary General of the GNTO, mr. Dimitris Τρυφωνόπουλος, the Secretary-General of Tourism Policy and Development in the Ministry of mr. George an effort to attract sponsors and the ambassador of Greece to the UAE, mr. Dionisios Zois.