That characterizes the Χρυσοβελώνη the statements of the Austrian MFA for?

A direct threat against Greece featured statements…
the austrian Foreign minister, Sebastian Courts in “New”, the representative of the Independent Greeks Marina Χρυσοβελώνη.
“It’s provocative and unacceptable the statements by the Austrian Foreign minister, Sebastian Courts, that if they shut down our northern borders and stay in Greece for more than 24 hours with the refugees in its territory, then it will change rapidly and the interest of to accept european assistance!
Statements like those made in the “NEW” Austrian Foreign minister essentially constitute a direct threat against Greece. Obviously reflect on the patterns that make some european countries, or cycles, within the European Union. They overlook the fact that Greece fulfils its obligations and signing on the management of refugee flows, while at the same time the same countries and the same sector adopt a regular ostrich attitude of Turkey.
Our european partners should, at long last, to exert pressure on Turkey, and to oblige to comply with, and that in full the commitments of, which, moreover, under the agreement of last November,” said mrs. Χρυσοβελώνη.
What did Sebastian Courts for the closure of the border
“If they close the northern border and stayed in Greece for more than 24 hours with the refugees in its territory, then it will change rapidly and the interest to accept european aid,” says kurtz in a statement on the News.
He is in favour of closing the country’s borders with Fyrom and that it considers that it would send the “appropriate” message to the refugees of Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan that the passage is not open, and so will be limited, he says, the refugee flows. Only if we close some of the borders will reduce the flows, argues mr Courts, who insists that the refugees will not start for Europe if they know that it won’t be easy the road.
Mr. Courts, supports the view that the “block” must be put at the borders Greece – Fyrom and not Greek-Turkish as well as the exact words of Skopje “is willing to do it, I don’t know if I’ll make the Turkey”.