Pythagoras… Νιθαύριος and swallows clients

In a few days the Pythagoras Kassotakis… Νιθαύριος in Νίθαυρη of Αμπαδιάς the Amari valley, waiting for their confident… customers, and will be, can, and three pairs of swallows, thirty, maybe more, arriving in the village and come as a… champions of the marathon from far away, bringing in the spring! It will stay until September, as planned, and will leave with their young, for other places… Arriving, you will enter the καφεμπακάλικο of Pythagoras the square of the village, “who found themselves”, where they build their nests of clay in the previous years, and will make the relevant… recognition in construction who left in the past holiday…
You will find, however, the “houses” and this year intact in a traditional room, why the 90-year-old veteran καφεπώλης in the five years of “hanging up”, provides the μουσαφίρηδές the hospitable roof of the store and that when “making επαέ, ξανοίγω not to tear down their nests that were made with it…”. Yet know, that the migratory birds have their regular return to the well-known… haunts, investigating the condition of the “house hold” and that the established authority of the, to make, in a quatrain:

Two other nests in the same area
The swallows are leaving
and then they go to another place,
but I don’t ξεχνούνε the nest
that built with it
And not only is the… half a century and now καφεμπακάλικο of Kassotaki that hosts pairs of swallows that arrive in Νίθαυρη, ushering in the start of the… of an explosion in nature, but “and other spaces, homes and shops in the village where they live”.
Bake the coffee veteran barista of Νίθαυρης
The 130 people who left today, welcomed with love like “good friends” and expect!”Come to Νίθαυρη, maybe ten years, we’re used to, and no one’s mind. If you don’t come in shit going to happen,” he says, waiting for the arrival “of spring weather,” mr. Kassotakis.
“The customers are gone,” observes today is a sad demographic picture of the place where he was born. “And since the villagers disappeared from the street, at least they come and we hang out for a couple of months. Επαέ φωλεύουν, επαέ give birth and the χελιδονάκια, and when they’re gone, grown up, they take with them for the long journey home…”