8 q & a for what’s coming: The Eurogroup, the debt and open issues

A week or so before a crucial Eurogroup meeting for Greece. On 24 May, the Finance minister, Euclid Τσακαλώτος, it switches again to the belgian…
the capital to be disbursed, the desired for Greece dose in June. However, open remains the issue of debt, although the debate was opened at the last meeting of the Eurogroup. The Greek side hopes to agree on – at least – at least a general outline on the next Monday.
1. Because the debt is still open?
Let’s answer with what was said by Lew and Schaeuble. The second said that it is willing to discuss longer times-to-maturity, lower interest rates and deferral of payments for Greece, but not the end of the programme in 2018. The American Finance minister, for his part, reiterated that the issue needs to be resolved instantly.
2. This is the key difference between IMF –Germany?
Yes. On the one hand, the Fund calls for the issue to resolve before the 2018 and Berlin after 2018.
3. Because the Fund is insisting on a solution now?
In order to make debt sustainable and to achieve the objectives of the programme.
4. The attitude of the government
The Greek side through to the prime minister, Alexis Tsipras who was interviewed by the newspaper “Real News” has underlined that if the government achieve what it seeks for the debt of Greece will emerge on the markets in 2017. At the same time, the minister of State Nikos Pappas points out that Athens does not want temporary solutions for the debt but real.
5. The obligations of Athens with a view to Eurogroup
The minister of Finance should come to the meeting with the pre-requisites completed
6. What is this?
On the whole it is 17 without these be included in the financial cutter. Among other things it includes in addition to the measures in the insurance and tax that have already been adopted – the Privatisation Fund, interventions in the field of VAT and the non-performing loans, independence of C.C. Revenue etc. Will reaches up to 5.4 billion.
7. Why not include the budget cutter?
Has not yet been agreed upon, the mode of operation. The institutions they want – other than a few social and defence spending – join in auto cutter, all of the costs, and even wages and pensions. So far, the government confirms on for cut and wages and pensions. Mr Tsipras in the interview that he said only that “the mechanism in any case not include layoffs in the Public”.
8. So what can we expect in the next few days?
Nothing more than the difficult task of the IMF and the Europeans (mainly Berlin) to agree on the guarantees need the first for to remain in the program.