8 dangerous foods for your pet

Can your pet begging for a bite of your dish, but not all of the foods innocent for the dog or the cat! Caffeine, chocolate, nuts, raisins etc. it is capable to poison or even leave you unconscious for your pet. For that, if you don’t want to run in a panic to the vet, don’t give never the following 8 foods…
Caffeine and chocolate
Caffeine contains μεθυλοξανθίνη, a chemical substance found in tea, coca cola or energy drinks. If your pet swallows a respected quantity of your coffee, then maybe induce vomiting, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm etc. On the other hand, chocolate contains theobromine, a potentially toxic element that may cause restlessness, vomiting and muscle spasms. Besides, only 120 gr. milk chocolate is capable of causing the death of a small dog.
Grapes and raisins
Can the grapes and the raisins are nutritious for humans, but is devastating for the dog or cat, as they have a substance that leads to vomiting, kidney failure or even death. The same applies to fruit salads, cereal bar with muesli and biscuits, and raisins.
Garlic and onion
Onion and garlic are apt to irritate the gastrointestinal tract of your pet, resulting in damage to the red blood cells or the liver. The symptoms, however, of poisoning are: vomiting, diarrhea, discolored urine and lethargy. However, it doesn’t matter if it is raw or cooked, as the damage will be almost the same.
There is no pet that doesn’t have heavy consequences, after ingestion of beer, wine or other beverage. After a few minutes, likely to present vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of coordination, shortness of breath, convulsions and disorientation. In case you drink a sufficient quantity of alcohol, and the weight is small, then it could fall even in a coma…
In most species of birds, horses and rodents, avocado harms the heart muscle. Sure, you don’t have to give the well-known and as guacamole on your pet, since it has the toxic doses persin which is located in the seeds and the bark of the fruit. In the opposite case, the pet is in danger with accumulation of fluid around the heart, diarrhea and shortness of breath. For this keep away from them.
Walnuts, almonds and nuts
Especially in dogs, nuts and seeds can create issues in the nervous system, whether they are cooked or raw. If you have a bowl of walnuts or almonds, keep it closed and away from your pet. The symptoms of nuts will not be other than tremor, vomiting and depression, which will appear half a day after ingestion. Usually, the symptoms last from 12 to 48 hours.
Milk and dairy products
The majority has filled the saucer of cat’s milk, but in reality the large amounts of lactase will lead to danger. This is true with dogs, as their digestive system cannot break down the lactose. So, even the ice cream or yogurt in their diet will cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
Raw meat and bones
The bone especially in puppies can drown you, or to do damage to the digestive system. If the dog is experiencing problems with teeth and gums, it is good to obtain especially bones from the pet shops. Also, surely avoid raw meat, chicken or fish, can carry bacteria, such as E. Coli in your pet.

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