6 tips for choosing sports shoes

Running and walking is one of the purest and most natural forms of exercise. Choosing the wrong sports shoes that could lead you in the couch of your home with splints or pains in the soles instead of enjoying the fresh air. The moment you purchase the appropriate shoe seems to require an advanced degree, arm yourself with some basic knowledge about your feet and their specific needs.
Don’t convert your shoes for multiple uses
The walking shoes is harder, the running shoes are more flexible with additional shock absorption. If you do both activities, buy a pair for every occasion.
Meet your feet
Sure, we all have ten toes and two heels, but beyond that, feet “come” in a variety of shapes. The knowledge, therefore, of ιδιορρυθμιών of your feet is the key to select the right pair. Most major brands offer a model to suit every type of foot.
One way to determine the shape of your foot is to take a “wet test”. Moisten your feet, press on a piece of brown paper and let your tracks. Or just check before you throw away the last pair of shoe at which point it suffered damage.
If your fingerprint on the paper shows the entire sole of your foot with a slight curve on the inside or if your shoes are damaged on the inner side, this probably means that you have υπερπρηνισμό. The υπερπρηνισμός can create additional wear and tear on the outside of the heel. Buy a shoe with a typical motion-control for maximum support.
If the footprint shows only a portion of the front leg, or if your shoes wear out mostly on the outer edge and you have high arch, then you have cavus foot. Buy a soft shoe with a soft sole.
You have a neutral arch if your footprint has a distinct curve along the inside and your shoes wear out uniformly. Look for a stable shoe, which has the right mixture of cushioning and support.
6 tips for choosing sports παπουτσιώνΑλλαγή size
Measure often the leg. “It’s a myth that foot size doesn’t change in adults,” says Steven Raiken, MD. “Change as we age, so you should measure your feet two times a year. The sizes also differ between the trading companies.”
Buy towards the end of the day. And this is because feet swell during the day, expand while you run or walk. Thus, your shoes should fit when your feet are on the larger size.
Don’t believe in breaking
Sports shoes should be comfortable and you need to immediately feel. Walk or run around the store to make sure it is comfortable.
Their technology
You think that some of the models for running a better fit in a space mission, but some athletic shoes have come for a purpose. Technology with gel, freon, or air, provide extra shock absorption. These features are especially good for people who have the tendency to ache in the heel, says Raiken.
The replacement
The average pair of running shoes should be replaced after 350-400 miles of use, says Clifford Jeng. Also important is how you all feel the same with your shoes. Once the back part of the sole is worn out or the shoe is less supportive, it’s time to go out for evening shopping.