6 things you need to know before you “get in trouble” with a man, Bull!

The necessary tips for a happy relationship with a Bull…
If your partner is a sensual, indolent and lascivious, Taurus, read below what you can do in order to remain in love and satisfied in a relationship!
1. Learn to enjoy the good things in life
The Taurus loves good food, good wine, music, comfort, and pleasant surroundings and like to spend money. If you start the “discounts”, or the cuts, then you can be sure that it would be a sacrilege and I will get through at all well in the relationship. Anywhere else do the economy.
2. Don’t insist
The term “stubborn” is often used for a Bull who refuses to do anything that is against their beliefs or will. In the case of the “no” is definitive and will not change, as if baiting me, charming. Take it or leave it. If you insist on consumption of time and saliva to convince him, eventually the only thing you accomplish is to piss him off.
3. Become a creature of habit
The Bull has a routine and likes to do certain things in everyday life. It’s not spontaneous, impulsive or in bulk. Mainly, I don’t like to be ξεβολεύουν or to be surprised. For this respect the agenda and don’t try to change it, as boring, and if you like it. You can suggest or encourage him to ok something on the schedule, but not to enforce or to judge him.
4. Created security zone
The romantic, gentle and comfortable nature of Taurus comes out, when it feels perfectly safe. You need to be sure that you love him and you care about him and he will be right next to you rock. Causing the jealousy or possessiveness is a big mistake, if you want to keep him. As much as I initially excites him, the insecurities and the doubts of your love will prevail, and if you lose confidence, will come the end of the relationship.
5. Seduced the senses of the
As an Earth sign, the Taurus is extremely sensual. To aid your sex life, διάθεσέ of plenty of your time to satisfy the senses of vision, taste and touch. Ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, feathers, lace, handkerchiefs for the eyes and very mystery he finds them stimulating. But not from the first date! Just become familiar with you, will pull out all the charms as a lover.
6. Avoid made a pass at me
In a man a Bull like the kisses, the hugs and the caresses, but when you are the two of you, not in public. To the outside is heavy, serious and a bit conservative, so any kind of effusiveness will make him feel uncomfortable, if you don’t annoy him. A touch of the hand, a smile or a positive comment will definitely appreciate you more and will take care to reimburse, as soon as you return home.

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